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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Monday 26 November 2007

Keeping Track of Mid-Age Spread with a Spreadsheet!

Well, this is the first time I've thought of using a spreadsheet to keep track of my middle-age spread! Very good, Jeanette! It makes a lot of sense -- especially since your day is spent at the computer! When you come to visit in a couple of weeks you can teach me about spreadsheets! That is something I have never, ever used!

So far I have tried to do this without calorie-counting. My method has been to say goodbye (as much as possible) to bread, cookies, muffins, tea-biscuits, pasta, cake, pie, rice and potatoes. Now the rice and potatoes are not a complete deletion and I do cheat with a tea biscuit once or twice a week. However, I am a bread-a-holic! Bread, buns ... my goodness! I can't be trusted! So the bread and all its relatives are 100% gone during this weight-loss spree. And when I get done, I might just continue with that! Honestly, if you set me beside a toaster with a loaf of bread, a tub of "I Can't Believe it's not Butter" and a bottle of marmite, I'll shnorffle down 4 slices before you can say, "STOP"!

So starches are cut way back and grease and oil also. We tend to have mostly chicken or fish. We've switched from ground beef to ground chicken or ground turkey -- just as delish but less fat! And of those two, the chicken is much less fat than the turkey!

What I DO need to improve on is my water-drinking and exercise. I tend NOT to drink during the day because I'll do almost ANYTHING to avoid the need to use public washrooms and then I sit in my car to drive to my clients and I sit and talk to them before going back out to sit in my car! Lotta calories MUST burn with the driving tensions, though! Good grief!


Jeanette said...

Oh, Carol-Ann, we must be sisters! (Tee-hee!) Bread is also one of my favorites, and it must be toasted. Nothing calls me like a slice of buttered toast with marmalade or other such wonderfull spread! I have not come to the point of removing it entirely, however. (Must I??? Maybe I must...) However, I have cut it down significantly, for example 1 slice for a lunch sandwich instead of 2, scrambled eggs in the morning all by themselves, etc. I'd love to hear what your meals without bread or starches are like. What do you usually have for breakfast and lunch?

Carol-Ann Allen said...

I'm hangin' out at home today on a sick day. How I wish we had a loaf of bread in the house! Hey -- will you please go eat a few slices for me? ha ha ha ha -- oh that got me laughin' right out loud! I feel better already -- oh dear! now I'm going to feel guilty taking a sick day! There! Now I feel sick again! Oh sheesh! now I'm starting to laugh and that's going to lead to feelin' better! OK! I'm outta here!

Jeanette said...

C-A, you are too funny! I'm sorry you are feeling sick today, though. I hope it does not last long. Don't know what kind of sick you are, but I often find I don't feel very well while cutting back on food intake. It has been explained to me by those smarter than I am that when our nutritional intake becomes more healthy and we start losing some of the fat we have stored, our bodies start detoxing (to a certain extent, anyway), and sometimes the process of flushing that stuff out makes us not feel too well. I also had problems after my first shoulder/neck massage (my biggest problem area). The next day I had a nasty fuzzy headache and couldn't focus. I found out that massaging of the tissues releases stored toxins, and it is advisable to drink extra water before a massage and for several hours afterward to help flush that stuff out.

Who knew that getting healthier could temporarily make us feel worse??! It is still worth it, though!

Chin up, sis!