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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Friday 31 October 2008

Wake-up Call!

Sometimes "wake-up" calls do happen in a series of events like this crazy "clock" portrays!
I had the ball fall on my chest and pull the stopper outta the keg this week when I realized my blood-pressure was high! I won't bore you with all the chain reaction series of events leading up to it. The long and the short is that it has come down on its own without meds to still being high but not in the danger zone. In investigating it, the doctor at the emergency walk-in clinic thoroughly checked my sinuses to see if that might be the reason why I have a headache that won't go away even with tylenol. I have been to my regular doc several times with my hand over my right eye saying that my face feels like it's going to fall off. She always looks thoughtful, writes in her book and suggests I quit drinking coffee! OK, so today I made no mention of my eye and my face because I didn't want another doc to tell me that! Without me saying anything, he started poking different parts of my face and then looked in my right eye with his scope. He kept going round and round the eye till I wondered how long I could take the spot light. But when he shifted to the left eye he just did a quick glance there and turned the light off. "AHA!" I knew without him saying anything that I would do whatever he told me -- even to quit drinkin' coffee! It was kinda like Daniel telling the king what his dream had been as well as giving him its interpretation when the doc found the point of concern without being told the symptom!

Regarding my eye and face, he said I have a sinus infection for which I need two weeks of antibiotics and a prescription nasal spray.

Regarding the BP he has no idea except to say, "Cut down on salt, avoid caffeine (yes sir!), and go for a brisk half hour walk each day. As you do that, we'll just have to keep an eye on it."

So I went today for a 40 minute brisk walk! Can you believe it?

Thanks everyone for taking the time to learn your way around posting exercise time and weights! I plan to post the instructions and put a link to it right below the window containing the exercise log sheet for future reference (if we suffer memory lapse) and new members.

Also, I shall eventually move the archives into the new Google document window and then it will be up to each person to decide how much you want to keep and show and what you want to delete. As it is, I have simply been archiving the last entry for each month.

'Nuff techy stuff! Get exercising BEFORE you get a wake-up call!

Saturday 18 October 2008

Yawn, Stretch, Run, Fetch!

Ok y'all, it's time to shake things up here!
If ever I felt the drowsies in a project, it's here on our bloggie! Yes, I was the main contributor to the dull-drums! We all have our times, ya know!

For the first "shake", I decided to add our start weight to the front forehead of our profiles. And, as expected, it was startling. What was your reaction to seeing your start weight side-by-side with your present figure?

Michelle, you have done so well! This is very impressive! But, we are not going to be out-done by the new broom! We shall all start to sweep well and see impressive efforts at maintenance! Yes?

Welcome back to Roger and his courageous new start!

Re the Exercise Club, I have joined officially as of today. Help us all! What is this coming to? Carol-Ann actually plans to exercise? I may have to jog out to Mississauga and drag Pat out for a run. Let's see -- where could we go ... we could run over to Artisano's for a lemon-cranberry cloud and a cappuccino all dressed up with whipped cream!

Great stuff, Jeanette -- you've kept us going here lately.
Andrea, you are still below your start weight so let's kick some butt and hope that Grandma doesn't stop by to read this steel-hearted approach!

Saturday 11 October 2008

Exercise Update 3

The "Get More Active" Club!

Jeanette: Unfortunately for me, my exercise this week has not been of the helpful kind. Yes, some of my muscles are being stressed -- over and over and over until they are aching...

Ka-choo! Ka-choo! Ka-choo! Ka-choo!

I have had the sneeziest cold ever, and my head has been dopey. I've just wanted to go to bed, but that hasn't happened because everything has been taking me longer to get done than usual due to my fuzzy brainpower. This probably is working against me because I've had to work late and then Coral still has to get up in the morning to get to her day program... Well, you get the too-fatigued-to-even-think-about-exercise picture! So I have nothing good to report for exercise this week. I am beginning to get better, though.

Andrea: I don't think Andrea has had any better week than I have. She has been very tired, and so I'm guessing we are both in the same boat.

FINAL REPORT: Andrea and I are both hoping to report a much better week next Saturday! We are still hoping for exercise companions! (Hint, hint!)

Saturday 4 October 2008

Exercise Update 2

The "Get More Active" Club!

Like it or not, it is already a week since our last update...so here goes. I don't have anything to report for anyone else, so it is just me this time.

Jeanette: On Tuesday, I walked for 30 minutes on the treadmill, and it was quite a workout! As I mentioned several months back, my treadmill is not working right. I cannot control it manually except to slow the speed down, so my only choice is to pick one of the preset workouts and let the thing go! I picked the first workout today, and it just ran away with me! It tilted up to an 8 percent incline and had me jogging! I slowed it down, but that incline took its sweet time to come back down, and there was nothing I could do about it! I had to step off to the side two times for a minute each time in order to make it through, but I felt like I REALLY pushed myself, so that was good.

On Saturday, I tried a different auto setting called "Light Jog." That sounded a lot scarier than the Tuesday one, but was actually much better because the incline never increased, and so when it got too fast, I just slowed it down to a more comfortable pace. Even so, it was fast enough to really get my pulse going. I might save that incline one for another day -- a long time from now! (I have to be honest, the only reason I got on the treadmill on Saturday was because I had to give this report.)

So that is it for this week... I have to admit it feels a little lonely on here these days, so I hope one of you will soon join this little Get More Active club!