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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Thursday 22 November 2007

Thanksgiving Day

What a great time we had today for Thanksgiving. There were 16 of us, and everyone had a great time. There was our family of 4, Gord and Paula with Nathaniel as well as Ji Won and Jonathan (Korean high school students who live with them), our elderly friend Warren who always shares Thanksgiving with us, and the DiLorenzo family - Peter (dad) and his four sons (twins who graduated from high school last year and two younger boys under 10) along with a Japanese high school student (young man) who lives with them. (Mom is a nurse and had to work most of the day.) I have missed having teenagers around!

ELMO'S FASHION SHOW! As promised, Elmo has had his photo shoot. He is posing in our dining room.

Here he is, dressed for extra warm weather in his BVDs!

Elmo dreaming of the beaches in Hawaii!

Blue jeans and smart blue-striped shirt, perfect for hanging out with Bert and Ernie and, of course, Coral!

Just in case of snow, Elmo is ready in this trendy vest and scarf set!

We have had so much fun with Coral's birthday present from Aunt Paula and Uncle Gord -- clothes for Elmo!
"A merry heart does good like a medicine." -- Proverbs 17:22


Amrita said...

The photos of Elmo are so sweet. He 's got a great wardrobe.

Carol_Ann, I think the more the pixels the longer it takes to upload the photos. No I don 't upload directly from the camera, actually i don 't know how to. i save them on a Sony program ,then transfer them.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Oh my goodness!
Look at all of this!!!!!
I am just runnin' out the door to pick up Mama -- time for her to come over and do laundry!

I shall be back later today to read and gawk at Elmo in his finer and his BVD's!

How much does Elmo WEIGH?
Does he have snacks between meals??

Carol-Ann Allen said...

The second and closer look has not been a disappointment! I can only wonder how Elmo has managed so long without clothes! Just love those BVD's! Ya got yerself one cool buddy there, Coral.

Sounds like you had quite a gathering for Thanksgiving! I was shocked to see you refer to Warren as "elderly"! What happened to us? Are we all "elderly" or was he just a young-looking 50-something when we were in our early twenties? Well, if that be, we are now the young-looking 50-somethings who in a blink will be referred to as "elderly aunts" by Gord's crew!

Amrita -- sorry, I led you astray with that PhotoFiltre "free" download! Oh well! Free for 30 days is OK too! You can do a lot with it in that length of time! I've never used the suped up version! I just use the freebie and it is terrific! I'll send you the link for that but if I forget, give me a nudge!

Jeanette said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures of Elmo, ladies! We had so much fun taking the pictures and uploading them. After I had them on the blog, I asked Coral if she would like to see Elmo on my computer. She was excited and leaned forward in her chair and looked real hard at the screen and was able to see him! She always says, "He's so sweet!" and I always tell her, "He learned how to be sweet from you, Coral!"

HOWEVER, since this is a weight loss blog, we have weighed Elmo in at 3.8 pounds! He is much lighter without his clothes, so we left them on, as he wants to be his very heaviest for the blog!! He is all fluff and stuffing, but, oh, so cute!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

I have such a laugh over Elmo every time I come here! You've been reading too many catalogues, J Blue! Your wording for the description of the clothing is simply hilarious!