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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Monday 25 February 2008

Andrea is now a WINNER!

Andrea, it's no secret that in our books Gord's kids have always been winners! But it is official today that you are now one of OUR winners! Now if Aunt Jeanette would just break down and shift her goal, this could be known as the 150 club! But I guess Roger would seem kinda scrawny at 150!

Welcome to our sidebar and may you be the puff on our flickering candle flame that we've needed recently!

Tuesday 19 February 2008

Happy Birthday to YOU ....da-de-da-da, da-doo ....


We'll refrain from the slaps -- that many might do real harm! This is one of those days in the year when you have every right to feast!

Well, you may not see much need for commotion but ... C-A has now broken even with her all-time lowest weight
during this venture and it is time to grin!

I also want to formally announce my decision to raise my goal to ... 150 pounds!

Sunday 10 February 2008


What a difference thankfulness can make! An 88-year-old friend who had Alzheimer's passed away recently. His family, and especially his wife, cared for him lovingly, and he was able to be at home until just before the end. At his funeral yesterday, so many wonderful things were said about him, and one of them was that he had a grateful attitude. He was always thankful and always satisfied with very little. As his disease progressed, he became more gentle. His widow told me she is so thankful that his long ordeal is over and even more thankful because she knows where he is now -- in heaven with Jesus who has been his focus for so many years. What a difference her thankfulness makes! For my part, I am thankful to have that family in my circle of friends and thankful that I was able to help with the music for the funeral.

Now I have to admit that preparing for the funeral has been hard because I am probably the princess of nerves! I won't claim to being queen, because I know there is room to be worse! I was asked to provide the piano prelude, accompany a young violinist for "Amazing Grace," and play the piano for and sing two hymns with Elaine (a near neighbor of mine). The source of my nerves is partly good and partly bad, the good being a desire to do my best and not disappoint anyone, the bad being that I have not been practicing the piano as I should! Thus, this week has been very full of practice, practice, practice, alone and with others. In the midst of this stress, though, what a difference thankfulness has made -- thankfulness that the family wanted me to be part of the funeral, thankfulness that I could actually do what they needed, thankfulness for music and for the irreplaceable beauty of the old hymns. And after it is all over, I am EVER so thankful that everything went well!

As I was hurrying out to practice with Elaine on Friday night, I forgot about some ice on our dark driveway, and...well, I think I might have been fodder for one of those funniest home videos! I said out loud, "Am I all right?" I seemed to be, so I got up and went on up the street to Elaine's. But in the back of my mind, I knew that if you are middle-aged and go wham! on the ice, there might be a price to pay, so I was praying all the time that I wouldn't wake up the next morning so stiff and sore that I could not play the piano properly. Yesterday, except for some slight tenderness when I set my right elbow on the table, I really did not notice anything wrong, and I can assure you my thankfulness was soaring! Today I am noticing that there is some muscle strain in my right arm, but how thankful I am that my prayer was answered!

Now tonight I am practicing being thankful again. Tomorrow morning I have an appointment with the dentist. He told me I have a cavity under the cap on one of my teeth as well as one on the adjacent tooth, so tomorrow he is "going in there" and will decide if he can fix it or if I need to have a root canal. Oh dear! So now I am practicing being thankful... I'm thankful that I live near a dentist, that there are pain meds available to me, and that I can afford to go and have my cavities taken care of. That is not the case for many of the people in this world. How blessed I am!

And as far as the weight loss goes...I will be thankful for any weight I show tomorrow morning...gain or loss!! It has been that kind of a week!

Saturday 2 February 2008

February already!

When I was little, my mother often said, "Where has the time gone?" or "The time has just flown by!" One day she told me that the older she got, the faster time flew! Well, I thought that was just plain silly then, but guess what! I am turning into my mother!! Now I know exactly what she meant. We just had Christmas, and it is already February!

This week has been one of those that has rushed on by me, and not because I was having fun, either. Absolutely indecipherable dictation, malfunctioning equipment, and other such delights have filled the days.

Confessions for the week: It has been a struggle to add weight loss into the mix this week. The treadmill has seen me three times, and my little Miracle Ball for muscle relaxation and tension release has had four sessions.

Helpful hint: I have kept my Dentyne fire spicy cinnamon gum handy as a great substitute for "frustration eating," and it has rescued me several times this week.