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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Thursday 8 November 2007

Hunger Pangs = Encouragement

I have to get my encouragement wherever I can, and today it is in the hunger pangs! I don't like them very much and would really prefer to satisfy them with some munchies. BUT ... right now I am choosing to be encouraged by them. What do they mean? They mean that my stomach is not getting what it is used to getting; in fact, it is getting less than it wants. That's a good thing, but nothing seems to be satisfying them today. They keep gnawing even after that piece of chicken and the veggies should have quieted them. What's up with that?? I would like to forget about my stomach, but no, it has to gnaw, gnaw, gnaw... and not on food, I might add!

I did get a big boost today, though! The supervising nurse made a home visit to check up on Coral's health, make sure everything is going well, and check on the aide that comes each afternoon. I haven't seen her for about 3 months. She is a young mother, probably early 30s, trim and attractive.

As soon as she came in, she said, "Wow! Have you lost weight?"

Taken aback, I said the first thing that came to mind! "It's the black top I'm wearing!"

"No," she insisted. "It has to be more than that."

So I admitted, "Well, I have lost a little bit."

"How much?" She had this by the scruff of the neck and would not let it go!

"About 10 pounds."

"That's impossible! You have to tell me it is at least 15 or 20!"

I'm telling you, new energy is beginning to pump through these now sleek and svelte muscles! My face is beginning to glow! Wrinkles are disappearing! I am at least 20 years younger!!

Oh, the power of someone noticing that I did not give in to the hunger pangs! Her honest and genuine compliment to me today has made it so much easier to endure this journey I am on. There is a lesson in here somewhere...


Carol-Ann Allen said...

What a great post! I'm SO glad you had a compliment! It's still a few weeks till I see you ... I'm SURE I am going to see the difference as well! Well, this has been a great start to my day!

Jeanette said...

I just now saw your comment when I logged in to see the change you made to the blog.

Thanks! I'm going to get the tightest girdle possible to wear when I get off the plane so you will be impressed! HA HA HA! Just kidding! I could not bear it! I don't know how women used to do it.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

OK, Sis! We are now a public blog! So before it goes in the mouth, remember, the results are going to go in the sidebar! (Says I with the sweet kiss of The Mandarin still on my lips from lunch!)