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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Monday 29 September 2008

Writing it ALL down!

Today's weight loss suggestions have been submitted by Pat. This article gives some very helpful info and ideas. (Click on the picture below to see a larger image that is easier to read.)

Saturday 27 September 2008

Exercise Update!

The "Get More Active" Club

So far, it is just Andrea and me who have joined the "Get More Active" club! So here's the update...

Andrea: Andrea walked 3 times this week for a total of 5 to 6 miles. This was intentional exercising over and above the walking she might normally do with all her school and student teaching activities. Since she lives right by the Pacific Ocean, she loves to walk on the beach, so this is a real plus for her! I just wish I could run over there and walk with her!

Jeanette: On Wednesday, Barry and I rode the train from Denver to Glenwood Springs where we stayed overnight. We had to do a lot of walking -- from the train station to the motel (got lost and walked a LOT longer than we really needed to!), to the restaurant, back to the motel, back to the restaurant, back to the train station, and then up and down the main streets while waiting for the train back home on Thursday. Barry estimates we walked at least 5 miles, so I think that was a definite increase in activity this week.

Anyone want to join us for next week?

Some more info: Weights will be posted by Tuesday morning, and this Tuesday's main blog post will be by Pat!

Saturday 20 September 2008


Well, we two chickens have been bolstering each other up this evening! We (Andrea and Jeanette) have been burning up the computer keyboards with our instant messages. We admit our failure, and we are ready to step on the scales on Monday morning, actually open our eyes so that we can read the weights, and then sheepishly post them here for all to see! Ouch!

At the same time, though, we are also prepared to take ourselves in hand. Our big question to each other is: How can we be exercise buddies at a distance? That is hard, but this is the plan we came up with:

THE PLAN: We have to make exercise a priority. For starters, we are going to add walking to our weekly regimen. We are hoping to walk at least 3 times a week, hopefully at least a mile each time. We will send each other a quick email each time we do this. Then on Friday evening or Saturday, Jeanette will leave a quick update here so that we can also be accountable to our group. We are hoping that our exercise plan will catch on, so please join us if you can. Feel free to walk or be active in whatever way you want and be exercise buddies with us! Let us know in the comments section if you would like to join in, and we will work out the details!

Tuesday 16 September 2008

Summoning all Losers!

We have here gathered at the chicken coop to discuss our issues!

In the previous post, our Senior Blog Administrator (SBA) has called the meeting to order and appointed the Junior Blog Administrator (JBA) to bring us up to speed by reviewing the minutes from our last general meeting:

"10:15, 10:16, 10:17, 10:18, 10:19, ... adjourned at 10:45."

Thank you, Silly Goose! But why are you in with the chickens?!

New items for today's agenda are requested from the floor. Um, since there is nothing worth mentioning on the floor in this chicken coop ... the Executive decision is to keep moving right along!

Stop and think about it: there are few things in life to match the level of exhaustion provoked by trying to run down the up escalator! Yet we are faced with just such a challenge here as we strive to be winners by losing! The greatest difficulty we encounter on this moving staircase is not actually r/t to the impossibility of achieving our goals so much as to succumbing to fatigue in the process on the way down!

It is my personal observation that incredible momentum can be achieved through a great deal of flapping and squawking! We must be ready to make the feathers fly as we cheer each other on to the bottom step!

And this, dear friends, brings us to a brand new item on the agenda:

It has been suggested that each member in the sidebar be promoted from having squatter's rights to squawker's rights! There has been a lot of clucking over the summer about this.

We know that all chickens in the coop at this point are of true, pure Leghorn brand. Any posts submitted by any of the current members would certainly be up to scratch (should Mama happen to Google the site)! But .... what if a new member turns up with uncouth in their beak?

And then, there is the pecking thing to keep in mind! What if Charlie spends a great deal of time putting together his flap and two point three seconds after he posts, Esmeralda lets loose with a wide stream of chortle that moves Charlie's post clear outta sight?

No good! No good! This worm has too many twists to be swallowed whole! So, for now, your Junior and Senior, Charter Member Blog Administrators will continue to publish the posts but we are asking for submissions! We'd like to put up a new post every Tuesday morning (a goal -- not a promise!) so that with one click in a week the rest can see how the others have weighed in and can read the Flap-'n-Squawk!

Continue to submit your Monday morning weights as usual for posting by Tuesday morning and send along, by email, any submissions for front page posting as well! Suggestions for consideration as to how to make this "Squawkers' Rights" thing happen will also be welcome!


Yesterday was the BIG DAY!

The blog was going to be up and running again, with all of us weighing in and getting back in the groove, having had great success with weight loss during our break!

REALITY CHECK: I was too chicken to get on the scale! Andrea got on the scale but was too chicken to post her weight! Well, she would have, but I was too chicken to make her do it, since that would have meant I would also have had to post my weight (which, let me remind you, I was too chicken to find out in the first place!)

We know what we have been doing. We have been busy bloating up! I, for one, have been eating everything in sight because -- guess what! -- No one was watching me!

And now I would definitely prefer to hide my head in the sand and act like all is well in my weight loss world...


Where is everyone?? We really do need each other!

Calling Carol-Ann... What do you have up your sleeve, girl?