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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Saturday 26 January 2008

More Sobbing!

Well, Carol-Ann, I think that, come this Monday, I will be playing the second verse of your sad song. This week has been one weight-gain opportunity after another. Four days on the treadmill can in no way make up for it, I fear!

Some things have been positive, though. I have to give some credit to Trent this week for being my ally! Paula and Gord have "open house" every Monday evening, and Paula, Trent, and I were sitting at the table playing Phase 10. Paula has a lovely candy dish, and through the clear glass side I could see some wrapped chocolates -- not just any chocolate, but dark chocolate, smooth and rich and calling my name! I asked Trent to pass me the dish (terrible giving in to temptation on my part), and he moved it farther away!!! I was shocked! My mouth was already watering, for goodness sake! At first I was really annoyed, and then I felt very thankful that he had made me stop and think and change my mind. I need more of that kind of reminding.

Another success: We went out to eat, and I ordered the lean bison burger without the bun, and substituted steamed broccoli for the fries.

Still, even with these 2 positives, I know the scale is tipping to the weight gain side...


Amrita said...

Oh Jeanette watch and weight,maybe its not that bad.

Jeanette said...

Oh, Amrita! You are such a kind friend. I'm afraid "weighting" is exactly what I have been doing! Maybe I got careless after last week's good loss.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Well, I stay away from the scale during the week so I have no idea really what tomorrow is going to show! I have been a little more watchful this week but who knows!

Jeanette said...

I'm so pleased for all the success this week! Good job, everyone! (Me not included!) As Carol-Ann said, "Hope springs eternal!" I have done better today, and I'm HOPING that I will catch up with all of you next Monday.

Carol-Ann, did you ever get your exercise thing going? You did really well this week, so I'm wondering if you can attribute it to anything besides being more watchful.

I have mixed feelings about how I'm doing because the scale is not telling a good tale, but somehow I am fitting in some of my clothes better and my belt is looser. So maybe I am gaining more muscle?? There's that hope springing eternal again!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Hey there, JJB!
The exercise room has been set up and my new elliptical trainer is partly put together. The treadmill has been cleaned and plugged in and purrs like a kitten -- now if it would just be silent like a treadmill ... just kidding! It is actually in fine working order! The Total Gym has been stretched out on the floor like a girl on the seashore. It tried to eat two of my fingers as I unfolded it but I pulled back in time! We have five poud weights and three pound weights and elastic stetch-you things. There's a bar that you bend and then hope that you have enough strength to keep it from catapulting across the room as you unbend it! And there's a belt from an old vacuum cleaner that is marvelously strong for pulling this way and that. When all has been said and done, the cheapest article is the vac belt and it will probably be the most useful to all! Oh, and there's a sit-up bucket which I will never use -- I hate doing sit-ups! They hurt!

Whew! Now that all the stuff has been placed in the room, I need to rest! Won't be starting my "routine" until I get the elliptical trainer put together. That's my machine because it is so easy on arthritic joints!

Dental appointment tomorrow and Bruce's gets his office set up tomorrow. He has painted it and had new carpet laid. The movers come to take away our livingroom furniture tomorrow to furnish it. New furniture for the house arrives next Friday so Mini shall have a hayday racin' around an empty room!

Mom is well and is keepin' me on the straight 'n narrow!

See ya Monday mornin'! Hope you have a good report this time!

Jeanette said...

Carol-Ann, you are making such wonderful progress! Wow, you have your own gym, and I hope you will find a lot of the things fun to use. I think you are wise to use the elliptical trainer to save your joints. If I am picturing the right thing, it gives you an upper body workout at the same time.

It is so exciting about Bruce's office and the new furniture! I hope you are going to share photos of it all!

Hmmm...Monday morning...yes...well then...ahem...