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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Tuesday 22 January 2008

2 Reasons For My Toothy Grin!

It has been way too quiet on here for a whole week, and we have to liven it up! I guess this is kind of the way it goes with weight loss, though. You get real encouraged at times, but mostly it is just hanging in there, and there is only so much diet and exercise and weight loss you can talk about!

I have exactly 10 minutes until I have to leave for the dentist to have my teeth cleaned, so these gleaming teeth seem appropriate today.

This little smiley also pretty much pictures my mood when I got on the scale yesterday morning with my usual hesitancy and trepidation... But look! I lost 2 whole pounds! How did that happen? Maybe it is the increased exercise for the last 2 weeks. It might be a little less food, a little more water...I don't know, but I'm aiming for more of the same next weigh-in day!

Okay, I'm out of here so I won't be late for polishing these pearly whites!

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

Oh, Carol-Ann! I am so sorry to see you have had a setback. This is so tough. It looks to me like ups and downs of 2 pounds or so are part of the whole process, because sometimes I really can't tell why there was a specific gain or loss. As long as we keep in the downwardly trend overall, though, we are okay!

Keep yer chin up, and try to find a time when the exercising will work for you. That might be the key for both of us. I read that men can lose weight by lowering intake of food alone, but women have a very difficult time losing with diet alone and need to increase activity. It seems that our bodies don't recognize the chasing around, stressing about our work, and brainpower expended on blogs as "exercise!" What is their problem??