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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Friday 11 January 2008

Of treadmills and weights!

This week has been a partial success in the exercise department. I have been able to exercise three days on the treadmill and two days with the weights. That is not quite up to what I had hoped to do but certainly much better than what I was doing before. I found that I should not use the weights to exercise the same muscle groups two days in a row, so I am going to be spacing that out a little more for now just so I don't do something I'll regret.

Yesterday I did not walk on the treadmill, but can I count walking the mall with my niece Andrea?? I think it was just as energetic and way more fun! We spent the evening together shopping at the mall and then going to EAT at Mimi's Cafe. The FOOD was so good and way more than either of us could eat. We each brought half our sandwich home, but that does not mean we did not overeat! Between the exercise (success) and too much food (failure), I'm not sure what to hope for on Monday!


Carol-Ann Allen said...

What a great pic of Andrea! Wow!

OK! I'm getting there with the plan for exercise! I like to think that I am exercising more by walking outside etc but I FEEL like I need to exercise indoors where I can calculate what I have done in order to be sure it is getting done.

We've had dormant equipment here at home and so part of the plan has been to get that thoroughly cleaned and operable (treadmill and total gym). But there was another piece that I have really wanted for a long time because everything glides on it -- no impact on my knees. Bruce and I dragged one home today (that should count for my exercise workout for at least another week and a half!) It looks like an Orbitrek but is stronger in design and has a digital adjuster rather than a manual adjuster for tension.

This afternoon my job is to set up the exercise room! Can you imagine? The couch potato is setting up an exercise room in her house? Beside the fireplace with something to listen to music or watch a Gaither video! this sounds like too much fun! This is supposed to painful weight and exercise management!

Well -- let's not count our chickens before they hatch....or perhaps it is more applicable in this case to refer to the old proverb, "If you praise the white rooster, he will jump in the palm oil!"

Jeanette said...

Wow, Carol-Ann! I am impressed! I hope you will enjoy using your new exerciser, as that is the key for me. If I don't enjoy it, I just can't stick with it.

Our treadmill works but only because I coddle it. It is probably close to 6 years old, and one side of the electronic panel doesn't work anymore. This means that I can't increase the speed, but I can lower it; thus, it doesn't work to use the manual operation, but I can use one of its presets and then when it gets going too fast for me, I can slow it down. I have been picking the 20-minute "light jog" setting. (Light jog, my foot! Or should I say my knees!) Anyway, whenever it speeds up, I walk real fast until I can press the down button enough times to bring it back down to reality!

Let us know how this new equipment works for you. Seriously, we have enough pieces of equipment accumulated with hopeful intentions that we could set it up and start charging neighbors to come use our gym!! I do hope with time to be able to start using more of it for different things.

I cut the picture of Andrea out of one taken at Steph's wedding. I really like it!

Jeanette said...

Carol-Ann, did you get your exercise room set up? How does your new equipment work?

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Hey J!
Can you believe it? No, I didn't get it set up! But I did get a workout moving things around in the house! you know, when you bring one thing in you have to shift other things around. Don't ask me HOW bringing a piece of exercise equipment into the rec room downstairs necessitated completely reorganizing the closet in the master bedroom and then moving the piano from the dining room to the living room but it DID! They are as remotely connected actions as is the connection of my big toe to my thumb but connected all the same! I have MUCH to accomplish this week so you might not see me on the screen very often! Please pray for Kinza -- she will be home on Wednesday and Thursday and then she has her audition on Friday. Thanks!

Amrita said...

Andrea 's lovely.

Harvested my first brocolli and made a stir fry with it today.

To keep our weight and cholestrol and BP in check after the holiday bash, we 've stopped eating rice and meat for a while.We still have the goodies left over.

I start the day with some lemon juice and honey in warm water...helps lose weight they say.

Jeanette said...

Carol-Ann, I will be praying for all of you this week. There will be a bit of stress at your house, I'm sure, but I have confidence that Kinza can do it. We'll pray for calmness and confidence during her audition. Re your exercise room...I know how one thing leads to another. I'm sure you are happy about getting the upstairs rearranged, though.

Amrita, yes, Andrea is lovely! It is hard to imagine harvesting broccoli when we have such cold weather (20 degrees F right now), but it is so wonderful to go to the garden and pick vegetables and bring them in and cook them for dinner. I know how satisfying that must be for you.

Lemon juice and honey in warm water sounds really good. I may give that a try. I have heard that a teaspoon of cinnamon and honey mixed together is excellent for the health, too.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Kinza's response to the picture of Andrea: "Oh Mom! She looks so much like you -- only prettier and way younger, I mean, you know, she looks FRESH!" Thank you, Kinza! To be placed in a league with Andrea -- even mildly so -- is such a compliment!