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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Tuesday 22 January 2008

Sob. Sob!

Dab the eyes. Sob, sob. Play that sorrowful tune. Well, actually, that's not too hard for me to do on the violin! Just about everything I'd play would be a sorrowful tune!

So I put on a couple of pounds this week. Ok, Ok -- so I put on MORE than a couple of pounds! Phooey! Oh well, it's a new week ... "hope springs eternal", as Mama would say!


Jeanette said...

You are so right, C-A! Next week will surely be better. This is a slow process of changing little things, and that does not show up in every weigh-in.

Right now, the unopened bag of those lemon wafers (like the ones I sent you) that I got and didn't end up using over the holidays is calling, calling, calling me... But I'm resisting, resisting, resisting! No one will see that on Monday, but it is success just the same. Every time we resist what we would have scarphed down without a thought in days gone by, we have succeeded!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Lemon wafers should be out-lawed! Just like the chocolate dip doughnut I had today.

Talking about dentists ... mama called this evening to say that she broke a crown off of her front tooth when she clomped into an olive and ignored the fact that olives have pits! So she's in the pits herself over this! She has an appointment with the dentist tomorrow at noon. She sounded rather down about it and called for sympathy! Kinza said, "OOOOOh, Li'l Ol' Gwamaw! Poomph!"

Well, time for me to go see what I can drum up for a bedtime snackaroo! Crackers smothered in honey, a dish of yogurt, a dill pickle or two and a nice juicy flap of the spicy skin from a Loblaws BBQ'd chicken should do the trick. The pickle will cut the grease of the chicken skin.

Ha ha!

Kinza said...

One word to you mom . . .


Carol-Ann Allen said...

In response to you, Sugar Cube, if my bed-time snacks are so detestable, why do you and Mini hang around me salivating until I share???

Jeanette said...

Oh dear, oh dear! Poor Grandma! I can somewhat sympathize, except the location of my problem is not so visible. I went to the dentist today for cleaning and assessment. I don't go very often, which is terrible. I am embarrassed to admit that it is about 10 years since I have been to one due to the fact that my last dentist was a pompous know-it-all, and I refused to go back after he pooh-poohed my request to have something other than a mercury filling... With much self-control, I will let that topic go now...!! But for some reason I don't get much plaque buildup. The lady said today, "You are one of those people who probably doesn't need to come in for cleaning except once a year, since it has been so long and it looks so good!" Ha ha!

However, the x-rays did show a rather large cavity under the cap put on by the last dentist, so now I must go in for a terrible drilling job and possible root canal...Oh, dear! I will make an appointment for the chiropractor for the same day, as I know my neck will be messed up, I will be so stiff and tense!

Kinza said...

Because we -- (not really Mini in this case) like to show off to you that we can eat ALL the not-so-good-for-you-food that we can eat and NOT get a lookin' like a hippo!!!!

Love ya Mama!
k :)

Jeanette said...

Okay, I must add a comment, I see! Girls, girls! Naughty, naughty.

(PS: Can I come over for a snack??)

Carol-Ann Allen said...

We are sitting here hooting with laughter at this silly array of nonsense!

To you, my Kinza, just you wait, just you wait!

Both Auntie Jeanette and I were little eat-it-all's ourselves once upon a time!

Sorry 'bout that tooth, J! I've had my own dentistry dilemma in the past couple of months and my nose is in a knot over it as well! We surely are related! She has done half a job on my tooth two months ago and I'm mad at her so I haven't gone back for her to finish! Isn't that dumb! I think I shall eat humble pie tomorrow (because I deem it to ultimately be soft on the pallet)and call and make an appointment. My blogger buddy from Montana, CML Shearings, mentioned awhile ago that she and her hubby have noticed a great need for extra dental care now that they are up there in this middle-age bracket that we enjoy.

Good-night! We are now hittin' the hay!

Jeanette said...

Okay, have a good night!

Yes, we are gettin' up there, it is true!

Well, this was fun, but with no snack on my end! No fair!

And Kinza, your mother is so right! I'm not pointing any fingers, but the weight gain for me accompanied the arrival of my children!

Amrita said...

There 's a pound of salt for you LOL ! Don 't get discouraged you look fit and fine.

Amrita said...

Girls don 't read the advice I 've got on my blog. its a real vice!

Asking for suggestions ...I created a post on jan 4th and updated it but its far down the page and nobody will read it, how do the change the dare?

Jeanette said...

Hi Amrita! I got your updated post from January 4 on my bloglines feed, so I saw it, but people who don't use bloglines might not see it. Of course, Carol-Ann knows so much more than I do, and she may know how to change the date. I'm challenged on that! But my alternative way would be to copy the whole post and past it into a new post for today. After I saw that it did that correctly, I would delete the old post. But with me being challenged in my blogging skills, I might not be realizing why that is not a good idea! Ha ha! I'm sure Carol-Ann will see your question later, or maybe she already emailed you.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

OK Girls --
Here's how ya do it. But, before I tell you, let me just say how SMART you make me feel! I just love knowing tons of simple stuff because then when wise people ask me for advice I feel like a rocket scientist!

In order to change the date of a post so that it will show up at a different place in the sequence of your blog posts ...

Click on the blue "Post Options" link at the bottom LEFT corner of the field in which you type your post. You may need to scroll the page up so that you can see the options in the lower RIGHT corner of the page.

There will be two boxes for post date and time. Just make sure you use the same format as they have for day/month/year.

You can organize where you want posts to show up simply by making sure the dates synchronize in accordance with the desired chronology.

As Mama would say, with wrinkley hand outstretched, "Fifty cents, please!"

Jeanette said...

Good job, Carol-Ann! I knew you would know! I am the not-so-brainy middle child sandwiched between the brainy-bro and the brainy-sis, so I get to ask questions whenever I want! Ha ha ha! I'm sure Amrita will have that post right where she wants it in no time!

Amrita said...

You gals are just too much.Oh my goodness this is such fun.

I made ourselves a bowl full of banana chips. Home grown bananas sliced and fried. Maybe in Africa you had them.

My Mom has banana phobia because she heard some health police talk about it, but I told her about its benefits which i read on PaPa 's blog.She 's more accepting now.

Carol-Ann you are smart, clever and a genius . Thank you for your instructions, I will try them out.I am sending you a bloggie-check of 50 cents too LOL.

You know I read somewhere eating green chillies induces weight loss.Are you ready?LOL

Nancy said...

I am glad to hear that you are still alive and kicking Carol-Ann since I haven't heard from you for quite a while. You ladies are having a blast with this weight loss challenge and I admire your dedication to the challenge and to each other.
Snacks at bedtime are the hardest thing to say no to....I know :)