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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Tuesday 15 January 2008

Tax Day

Self-employed people like me have certain dates memorized, and January 15 is one of them! Not a happy day but one we have to think of anyway. So today I got out my income stats for the last quarter, spent some quality time with my little calculator, and then shook my piggy bank to see what would come out! (Well, that's SORT of how it went...)

Update on exercise: This week I have been able to increase the intensity of my treadmill sessions. It is kind of surprising that in one week I would already notice that it is getting easier! I'm not planning to ever get it up to the "light jog" setting (4 to 4.5 mph or 6.4 to 7.2 kph) because I'm sure that would not be positive for my feet and knees, but I can now easily spend several minutes around 3.5 mph (5.6 kph) which for me is a pretty rapid walk. Thus far I haven't had any muscle soreness or joint pain, so I would rate that as success!

I'm so pleased that we had a drop in weight for this last weigh-in! Way to go, us!


Amrita said...

Keep going jeanette you 'll get there.

I juast can 't get rid of the sweets in the house...got them as presents.My Sheeba likes them.

Really wish i could send you some of our garden produce.We share a lot of our stuff with friends and needy people

Jeanette said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Amrita! I have some sweets left, too, and it seems the only one interested in them is me! Very unfortunate for me! You are right that I just need to keep going.

You have such a nice artistic way of taking pictures; for example, the plate you chose to put the broccoli on for the picture. It is nice that you are able to share your garden produce with others. Somehow, that makes all the work and effort even more satisfying.

Amrita said...

thank you for your comments Jeanette. Its you girls who are a real inspiration to me. and carolAnn so beautifully sends me instructions when I need help with my computing.I was able to change my blog template, which was like mission impossible...the scene where Tom C hangs upside down to copy the file.my fav scene.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Forgot to weigh today!
Will try to remember to do that tomorrow!

Congrats on your weight loss AGAIN, JJ! Well, Pat -- at least you didn't put anything back on! :)

Jeanette said...

Thanks, C-A! We shall be watching for your weigh-in tomorrow.

Pat and I were saying by email that sometimes not gaining is very successful, given all the challenges we are meeting every day. Holding firm is definitely a very necessary part of this process. Not that we want to hold firm forever, but there is a natural plateauing that our bodies do, so to expect the same constant amount of loss is breeding ground for disappointment.