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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Thursday 5 February 2009

A Little Bird Told Me...

...that there are big happenings over here at the Winners blog! Just to look at it, you won't be able to tell just yet, but there will be some new additions to our sidebars, and I'm feeling pretty excited about it!

We have been struggling along, each of us fighting our own battles. Through this blog we have tried to join forces and work together, but our failure (what a nasty word!) has been really discouraging, not to mention the extra pounds we are still carrying around.

So... as you already know if you have been keeping up with us, Andrea called us back into action. She posted comments here, and every Monday morning a message from her popped up in my email: "Are we in?" I have to admit that I looked around at all of us and didn't see anyone responding, so I half-heartedly and without much confidence took a timid step forward and raised my hand! "Okay, Andrea, let's be a team of two," I said!

Last week, I cut out all the over-abundance of sweets that have taken over since the beginning of December. That was tough! Then this week I started writing down most of what I ate so I could try to get a handle on it. Second tough week. The lady at Wal-Mart must have wondered why anyone needed that much gum! I'm not sure the scales are showing anything yet except for the horrendous backsliding I have been doing, but I do feel a bit better and less achy.

Then imagine my excitement yesterday morning when my phone rang! It was Andrea! "Guess what?" she said after our pleasantries were over. "Anthony wants to come on the blog with us!" Anthony is Andrea's boyfriend, and he has thrown down the gauntlet with his claim that he is going to beat us all at weight loss!! I am so pleased that he is going to join us! But I know I am no match for the two of them on weight loss, so it took the next thing to REALLY lift my spirits!

Another email popped up in my inbox...from Andrea!

GUESS WHAT???!!!???!!!!

I have been recruiting, and my mother has agreed to join us! Attached is a very flattering picture taken of her at my graduation :) She says that she weighs in on Saturdays, and I am guessing that she will either tell you or me to post it for her. I really wanted her to join so that you two would have some support and accountability. You know, during those way-too-delicious-to-say-no Sunday lunches you put on every week or the calorie-laden Monday nights, you two will be able to join forces and help each other. AND even exercising for a mere 30 minutes together would be no problem!

I'm excited for our revamp of the blog!


Now I am REALLY encouraged! Today Paula, Andrea's mom, called and asked if I wanted to walk this evening, so we put in 30 minutes of brisk walking around the neighborhood, and we made plans for a regular exercise regimen. (I'm afraid my legs will not like me in the morning, though!)

In the next few days, we will have new faces on the sidebar. So if anyone else would like to make a new start along with us, come and join in! And if you can, convince a friend to be your partner and join us, too. That just might make all the difference!


Andrea said...

Yahoo!!!! I'm so proud of you two! Way to exercise and be diligent about it! I really feel hopeful about this spring and our imminent weight loss.

We will succeed. As a wise woman has often told me, "I can feel it in my bones!" Hahaha!

Good job ladies!

Jeanette said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Andrea! I hope your bones are right!!

We walked the very same route again tonight. It took the same amount of time, but somehow it was easier. I think we will take the weekend off.

Barry has painted Trent's old room downstairs, and he has moved our exercise equipment in there. We are thinking about exercising 5 days a week with the weekends off. We would walk every other day and maybe do something in our exercise room the other 2 days. In case of bad weather, we could also work out there. We have a weight bench with a lot of weights (some of them way too heavy for me). We also have the temperamental treadmill plus another thing that pretty much works all parts of the body. So...

I am feeling quite hopeful, too! Thanks for encouraging us to take action!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

OK, all of you eager beavers! I am making no promises or statements! But I'm glad to see the new members! I've created your spots in the sidebar -- but I think I need some info to fill in the blanks!

Welcome, Anthony!
Maybe your presence here will encourage Roger to share his efforts!

Hi Paula! I'm glad you've pulled Jeanette out for a walk! Perhaps 2009 is the year in which we shall seriously address our stated goals!

But as I said -- no promises from me!

Jeanette said...

I just came home, and the blog looks so good, Carol-Ann! Thanks for all your work on getting our sidebars up to date. I am definitely feeling hopeful, especially with getting more exercise in thus far. Just do your best, sis! That is what we I am doing, so no promises from me either!

Andrea suggested mini-goals, and I think I will start by changing my goal weight. No matter how much I think I should lose, I am going to make my goal 10 pounds below whatever I weigh in at on Monday. That is ALL I am trying to lose. Then when I get there, I'll just see what I think about the next 10 pounds!