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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Monday 26 January 2009


Fact #1: Andrea is pushing forward on her weight loss. She is putting the rest of us to shame!

Fact #2: For 2 weeks now, on Monday morning I have received an email from her entitled "Are we on?" (The question is: On what? Certainly not the scale, as I am afraid to do it!) But I know what she means...

Fact #3: I definitely need someone like Andrea prodding me to get moving, so here I am, challenging anyone else who would like to get busy again to join us. I am going to take the challenge from Andrea and start up again.

I know this might just be Andrea and me. Believe me, if you decide this is not for you, that is totally okay. Andrea and I have made a good team on lots of things in the past and had an awfully fun time doing it. (Cooking Sunday dinner comes to mind!) So if it is just the 2 of us, that is okay, too.

For starters today, here is some of Andrea's email to me last week. I think she is right about the short-term goal, so I'm thinking about it...

"I know its kinda dead on the blog right now, but I want to share my success anyway! Although I want to lose weight for myself I also enjoy telling my friends how I am doing. I have a new short term goal that I really think I can accomplish. I want to be down to 160 lbs by the time I graduate (May 15). So I have 17.6 lbs to go. If I keep eating right and saying "NO NO NO" to all the sweets I just might make it :)

Maybe it would help you to have a more short term goal to spur you into action. I know you really want to lose weight so if the blog is no longer a source of inspiration then you need a new one. I just went grocery shopping and I was soooo tempted to buy some goodies, but I walked away instead. I think to myself, "What harm could some cookies really do?" But then when I see progress and success I am so glad that I didn't do it.

All of this to say, if we still want to lose weight we need a new game plan. I would like to exercise more, but realistically I know that I have a hard time motivating myself to get out there. However, it isn't too hard to just not fill my cupboards with sweets. That is my new outlook, so I'm adjusting my focus. Don't give up! I know you can do this!"

How is that for a cheerleader/encourager? So... let's do it!

And here's a little thought for the day!

Proverbs 25: 27-28:
It is not good to eat too much honey, nor is it honorable to seek one's own honor.
Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.


Andrea said...

That is convicting, isn't it??

I like the tone you have here Aunt Jeanette!

I get so frustrated when I see students in my class not participating in class or doing their homework because I know they are not reaching their full potential. When I confront them they always have SOME reason for their behavior, and my new key phrase for them is, "That is an excuse. I don't accept excuses; I only accept change." I don't know if they really get it or care, but I am ready to stop making excuses myself and start making changes!

Jeanette said...

Thanks, Andrea! Well, I cannot remember reading that verse before, Andrea! It is not good to eat too much honey!! Ha ha! I thought how fitting that is!

Anyway, self-control always needs improvement, at least in my case, so I know it is time for me to get serious on character development, and maybe weight loss can be a byproduct!

I still haven't stepped on the scale! Maybe I need to work on my courage, too...

Andrea said...

Can I just say that I said no to a pile full of delicious donuts this morning? It was difficult, that is true, but I'm so glad that I was able to exercise my self control!

So today was my last day student teaching in a middle school; Monday morning I will be at a high school with a new master teacher and classes! I am really excited about this opportunity and cannot wait to see what it is all about.

Hope you are all doing well (in life and on the diet/exercise)!

Jeanette said...

Good for you, Andrea! This week I decided to cut out the sweets but eat other food as I felt like it. I did much better because of that, but my plan this coming week is to start writing everything down again. I find that so time-consuming and a bother, but it is the only way that works for me. I'm not sure if I am brave enough yet for a weigh-in, though...

I'm anxious to hear how your Monday morning at high school will go! Give us an update when you can.

Jeanette said...

I hope this day goes really well for you, Andrea!

I just noticed that Carol-Ann must have put 3 more months on the exercise log. I did not see it before, but I see you have added some exercise for January. I hope to do better on that.

Today I am starting to write down everything I eat, so we will see how that goes. This will be a challenge since we have a birthday celebration tonight! I will start my weigh-ins next week, though. Yeah, I'm chicken! Maybe the numbers will be a bit more respectable by then!

Andrea said...

Actually I logged in last night to add some exercise time and noticed that it was not up to date. So I fooled around a little bit and added the months; the colors a bit outrageous because of the holidays in them, but I hope that nobody minds!

Thanks for the encouragement! I don't have to be at the school until noon so I got some more exercise time in this morning!

Stay strong tonight! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress and success in the coming weeks!

Jeanette said...

For someone who didn't think she was going to get in much exercise, you are doing GREAT, Andrea!

I did pretty well last night, by the way. We had pizza, and I stopped before I wanted to stop eating. I turned down coffee which would have meant some sweetener, and Jonathan gave your dad some Ferrero Rocher chocolate candy. One of the boxes had dark chocolate :) Your mom brought me some but I was able to hold firm and pass it up :( !! Hopefully, this will all be for the good!

Andrea said...

Good for you! It doesn't always feel good to say 'no' at the time, but doesn't it feel good to say that you said 'no'? Very good job!

As far as the exercise goes, I have had more free time this week because of my change in schedule. I have decided that that time can be put to good use! Today was a beautiful day to go for a walk; the weather was perfect! I am so lucky to live where I do.

I found a website that gives some insight into what we should and should NOT be eating when we go to the grocery store, restaurants, etc.

The website is: http://www.menshealth.com/eatthis/restaurants/

I think that going out to eat is a real pitfall, but I am committed to researching the restaurant's nutritional facts before I go some where from now on. Sometimes the wraps are the worst things for you! In fact, I have been eating Subway's tuna sub feeling good about myself! I think this will help me, and you too hopefully, a little bit.

Michelle said...

Hi there....

...yes, I have to admit I've been avoiding the site...AND the scale! I do agree that maybe we need to get a little creative and figure out HOW we can all help eachother. There is a definite need here, and we all know what we want and need to acheive. What about taking turns doing a devotion? Or if someone is having a good week, to share their successes (like you guys did). Is there any way we can reward ourselves????? Maybe??? Just some ideas....

Jeanette said...

Thanks for the link. I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, but I will. I agree that eating out can be a pitfall. We don't do it too much most of the time, but then we might have a week when we do eat out several times, so this info will be really good to have.

I really have to add in some exercise, but maybe that will be my aim for next week.

Keep encouraged, Andrea! You are doing so well, and I'm proud of you!

Jeanette said...

Hi Michelle! It's so nice to hear from you again! And thanks for the ideas. I think it would be great if we had at least a little new post several times a week, but I'm not able to keep up with that, so help from you two on posting would be really good.

I will comment further a bit later, as I need to get Coral ready for the day first.

Jeanette said...

Andrea, join in here when you are able. I like the reward idea, which would give us something to look forward to. My biggest problem is working at home where everything is, and when the doctors don't speak clearly or use the wrong med name or dose and things like that, it stresses me out so that I just want to eat or chew something. Gum works some of the time, but it is all made with NutraSweet these days, which I try to avoid as much as I can.

Let's brainstorm a bit and see what we come up with. I know you two are very creative, so maybe you can come up with better things than I can. Michelle, what do you think would help you the most?

Andrea said...

Aunt Jeanette I think that you should try eating some celery when you get stressed. That way you are losing weight by eating and you still have something to chew on! (I hope you like celery!)

And I agree; having a rewards system is a great idea! Perhaps we can set rewards for our long term goals and rewards for our short term goals. Right now my goal is 160, and if I am there I will reward myself by buying a really nice dress for graduation. A short term goal for me will be 170, and when I am there I will buy a new pair of nice slacks for work. These may change, but for now I am ready to reward myself! :)