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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Sunday 16 December 2007

My trip!

I'm home, and it is hard to believe that my long-awaited visit to see my family is already over!! It is hard to get my feet on the ground after such a GREAT visit with Carol-Ann and her family and our mother. They all made me feel so comfortable and at home, and we had just the best time talking, laughing, playing our instruments together, EATING TOGETHER... This was one of those visits when staying another few days would have suited me just fine, and Carol-Ann did have some of that wonderful bread left over...

It was so good to catch up with all the goings-on and interests of the family. I wish I were better with the camera, though. I seem to think of all the pictures I wish I had taken after I get home when it is much too late to do anything about it! I do have one or two and will use them later.

I came home to find that Barry had been working very hard while I was gone. In addition to taking care of Coral, he had put up the tree and added Christmas lights in four of the windows. He had also bought and assembled a storage unit (with doors) that we wanted to get for the office to help get us organized.

Speaking of the office, SOME people were naughty while I was away!

Elmo was trying to take over my computer! And Coral was laughing so hard she could hardly breathe!!! I had to chase him out of my office before he could make my computer crash! It was hard to be mad with him, though, with him so carefully dressed in his smart blue-striped shirt!

I am almost caught up with the doctor's dictation that had piled up while I was gone. He had 7 tapes for me, and 6 are done, so you know I was serious about chasing Elmo away from my computer!

Weigh-in is tomorrow morning, and I'm trying not to over-expect! Best wishes on your little get-on-the-scale ceremony, Carol-Ann!


Carol-Ann Allen said...

This is just TOO funny! It is very late here (I had an afternoon nap after sleeping the entire morning away due to our "blizzard", and then a cup of coffee late in the evening! What silliness!) Anyway, all that to say that I can't even laugh out loud or I will wake up the household!

Glad to see you are almost caught up! Yes! Why did we not take more pictures! I did have my hair cut and permed the other day so I will let Ms. Flintstone fill in for me until I can have a snap taken with my new do!

Jeanette said...

Ha ha ha, Carol-Ann! I do wish we could be laughing in the same room!

I am waiting with bated breath for your picture!

Why did I not take pictures of people instead of events? My own thought process is passing me by! What was I thinking? Not even a picture of Mini!!

I'm up a bit early to squeeze in another patient report or two before I get Coral up for the day, so I better post my weight and get to it! I hope your day goes really well.

Amrita said...

that 's ssuch a nice picture of you jeanette. Good to hear about your trip. mini is missing you.

Glad you got Elmo uder control. LOL

Jeanette said...

Hi Amrita! It is always nice to hear from you. Thanks for the compliment on the picture! I told Carol-Ann we could change it later when I've lost all the weight! Ha ha!

I'm missing Mini, too, but my cats are glad I did not bring her home with me!

That Elmo is beginning to have a personality. This is getting dangerous!!

Jeanette said...

Congratulations, Carol-Ann, on your weigh-in numbers! We both came down a teensy bit. No one else can know what a miracle that is!! Perhaps the good fun we had was helping us use up more calories?? I know I had to be, as I was not parked in front of my computer all day while I was visiting you.