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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Tuesday 25 December 2007

My Christmas Blessing

My dutiful subconscious woke me early this morning. Yesterday was all rush and run, and I dreaded the thought of leaving my warm cocoon, but that internal clock knew it was time to put the turkey in the oven, and there was no off button on the alarm!

It was early and dark, but... What?? Is it snowing?! A minute before, I had been dry-eyed and draggy from lack of sleep! Now, peering through the window was not enough, so I tiptoed back into the bedroom for my shoes and squeezed out the back door.
My Christmas blessing came first thing this morning before the busy world woke up, not from my wonderful family or the carefully-wrapped gifts or the delicious food, but from this -- stillness, quietness, purity -- a perfect picture of peace. It melted right down into my heart and has stayed with me all day, an outward picture of the inward heart-peace of Christmas!


Amrita said...

Glad you had a great Day

Jeanette said...

Thanks Amrita! I hope you had a wonderful day, too.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

This is such a beautiful post! It's hard to believe that it has been here for over a day before I found it! I can just feel the stillness of that early morning -- those are truly God-moments! I used to have God-moments every Christmas morning as a child when we would get up at dawn to go caroling -- the grass was wet with dew and the mist was hanging thick over the airport -- magical moments!

Then of course it was back to open the stockings -- filled with toffees and chiclettes from Mr. Mina's store and a brand new unscuffed rubber ball.

Jeanette said...

Oh, Carol-Ann! I may be the only one who knows what you are talking about! Yes, yes, all those things combined to make my Christmas blessing what it was...Those misty "cold" mornings when we actually thought we needed a sweater!! They were magical! That mist, the gray dawn, the soft-boiled eggs in the little holders by our plates at breakfast, the wonderful Christmas tree that had been covered with decorations while we slept. Somehow, our parents, who had almost no material possessions, were able to make indelible memories for us that come back even now to bless us at Christmas!