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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Monday 26 May 2008

Quick! Weigh now!

Quick! I have to weigh now before I even LOOK at any more food!

Let's see...Last week we had Will's birthday, Barry's birthday, a wedding, Andrea's graduation party, and the terrible mistake I made of buying a bag of pretzels. How bad could pretzels be, you ask? Well these are little pretzel sandwiches squished together with peanut butter and dipped in chocolate! Ooooo, that sweet and salty combination is just what I've been longing for! I have sabotaged myself by having that bag in the house at all.

And now today is Memorial Day and Trent's birthday all rolled into one big happy barbecue event! This morning I rush to the scale, and it says 180.4!!!! What! I cannot tolerate having broken the 180 mark! So I consider taking off my glasses...nope, won't work, as I would not be able to read the scale and could make up any old number. So that tiny little clip in the back of my hair has to go, and guess what! I would have never believed that little thing weighs over a pound! But now my scale says 179.2! I'll take it, I'll take it! Quick! Before the scale changes its mind!

Now I'm off to the kitchen to make the potato salad!


Anonymous said...

Ha ha Jeanette:
Your post brings to mind a comedy routine I heard years and years ago on an afternoon talk show. The comedienne had been put on a diet by her doctor and had to lose a certain amount of weight by her next visit. She was trying desperately to find a way to weigh less, so she had her hair cut, took off all her jewellry, trimmed her nails (fingers and toes), plucked her eyebrows, and removed her nail polish in her attempt to weigh in at a lower weight. Well, it was funny the way she told it...

Speaking of which...I haven't weighed myself for today. Ooops...


Jeanette said...

Well, that sounds like me, Pat! Ha ha! My options for weighing less were down to rock bottom, as I already weigh like the proverbial jaybird! So...it was glasses and hairclip, and I was just out of luck! I have no idea why my scale decided to be so nice to me today, but I dropped more than a pound with that hairclip!!

Amrita said...

Loaded clip eh? LOLi have to watch myself because of Sonia 's cooking. Her mother-in-law is a control freak so she can 't cook her fav. meals at home. So when she comes for a visit she cooks all her stuff, ...fattening for me.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Oh this is just too funny!
It weighed a whole pound,eh?! I have been so busy getting Kinza ready for her Quebec trip that I forgot to weigh this morning and have only breezed in and out of the blogs earlier today! The Grade 8 class gets on the bus at 6:30 in the morning and then we can collapse into our day! She and Leah are sitting together on the coach and sharing a room for four days. The awesome two who go back to pre-school together and have managed to be in each other's homeroom class every single year from Junior Kindergarten through to Grade 8 are finishing the year with a bang! They were going to dye each other's hair funky pink and green and purple but they've changed their plan instead to straighten Elliott's tight curls with the curling iron and to put little braids in any other boy's hair who will let them! Grandma gets a worried little expression. Kinza cried when she goodbye to Grandma tonight. They are kinda joined at the hip! She said to me as we drove away, "My Grandma rocks"! I guess that means our Mama rocks!

I'm rambling! I'm goin' to bed!

Jeanette said...

Her Grandma (our Mama)does indeed rock! I love the relationship she and Kinza have! And I hope this trip is just wonderful fun for those two girls from start to finish. I can see Kinza's grin in my mind's eye, just as clear as can be!

Andrea said...

Who is ready to weigh in on Monday? How are we feeling ladies?