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Monday 5 May 2008

A price for weight loss...

I have this picture on my blog (link to the left under my picture), but I'm posting it here as I promised Amrita. Our apple trees are covered with blossoms, so I went out and snapped a few pictures on Saturday.

Now to the price for weight loss...There is a reason my numbers are good this week. I had a root canal done at the beginning of March, and I had to take an antibiotic. A couple of weeks after that, I began not feeling good, feeling like I have a lot of air in my stomach after eating, and then it progressed to weakness in my arms and legs and some strange sensations, too, and extreme lack of energy. I have been feeling worse and worse and finally figured out that I needed to go to the doctor who confirmed my suspicions that I have systemic Candida (overgrowth of yeast from the antibiotic use). Fortunately for me, I know a chiropractic doctor who helped me to overcome it once years ago, so now I am on the very strict diet that refuses to feed the yeast and also on a supplement that replenishes what the antibiotic destroyed and restores the balance of all the good stuff needed in my tummy to do proper digestion. It usually takes 1 to 3 months to get everything back to normal.

This diet is so restricted that you cannot help but lose, although it is not really low on calories or fat. I sure don't recommend getting sick to lose weight, but if you get sick, hey, look at the bright side! I sure hope that I can keep dropping my numbers for a few more weeks of this!

(PS: If anyone is interested in more specific info on the treatment for this, just let me know.)


Carol-Ann Allen said...

Well this is rather disconcerting! Your ghost can relinquish it's claim on a shell from that there kind of diagnosis! You've had this before and I can't help but think there is some link to the fact that your system also resists penicillin! Antibiotics and thee do simply not agree! So stick to your diet, girl! And yes! Please give us a post on this secret diet when you have time and feel up to it!

I myself was quite relieved to realize it was time to archive previous weights! Sorry to those whose last weigh-in was a reflection of victory! As for me, the turning of the month couldn't have been more timely!

Jeanette said...

Oh, C-A, thou knowest not that of which thou speakest! Okay, enough of thateth!

Anyway, yes I did have it once before. Taking an antibiotic kills off more than the targeted infection. It also can kill the organisms that keep the yeast in check, and thus the overgrowth. Some people are more prone to it than others, it is true, but I think many people have a problem and don't know what it is.

I will give you a post soon to say exactly what I have to do. Maybe it will be a bit helpful to someone??

As to the archive, I wondered why you archived such a short list! Aha! Now it makes sense!

Amrita said...

I wouldn 't want you to lose weight because of sickness.I don 't know anything about Candida.

Hope you don 't feel weak because of it.Can you have fruit and salads, maybe there are Indian herbs which can help, I will try to find out. Do you taske homeopathic treatment?

The apple blossoms are so beautiful. I 'm sure they smell divine.

Jeanette said...

Hi Amrita! I'm glad you like the flowers!

Actually, my first choice of treatment is always alternative. I work in the medical field, so I know a lot about the current treatments, and sometimes they are very helpful and very necessary. However, I feel that if it is possible to help the body to heal itself, that is the best way to go, as God has designed our bodies to do just that.

The main thing to avoid in my diet is anything with sugar, natural or unnatural, so I cannot have fruit or fruit juice, honey, etc. Even though those may normally by healthy for me, yeast thrives on sugar. I can have most vegetables, just not the ones with high sugar content like corn, carrots, peas, onions.

If you find any other information, I would be very happy to hear about it.