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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Sunday 9 November 2008


This is Carol-Ann's BIG day! She is a whole year OLDER than she was yesterday! When we were kids, we could hardly wait to be older, but these days... well, it is just not quite as exciting as it used to be, is it, Carol-Ann! However, we do like to celebrate, so today we are celebrating you!

Have a WONDERFUL day... and, of course, don't eat too much!


Amrita said...

Many many happy returns of the day.

May the Lord shower you with blessings in the year to come and use you for His glory, May he make your path smooth anfhislight to shine on your face at all times.

Have a wonderful day,

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Thank you! Thank you!
We just came back from Mother Tucker's buffet restaurant -- we stuffed our little selvies and the waiters made a big dramatic show of carrying in a brownie with a sparkler going wild on it! They also gave me a free meal because we ate there on my actual birthdate! So now I can say I have lived one year for every week in a year. The next milestone will be 88 -- a year for every key on the piano!

Amrita, "blessings" have come to mean so much to me in recent years and take them to heart with great fervor!

My birthday gift that marks the age bracket: a sophisticated blood pressure machine -- from my Mama!

From hubby and daughter, a clarinet! Yahoo! Never played one of those there reed instruments before (although I did learn how to play a few major scales on a saxophone once upon a time). Interesting, Mini LOVES the sound of the clarinet. When I start up she comes and falls as a lump of putty at my feet! It is just too cute!

Andrea said...

Yay for November birthdays!

Enjoy your special day; happy birthday!

Jeanette said...

It sounds like you have had a great birthday, Carol-Ann! Can't wait until you are 88!! Ha ha! (Yes I can! That would mean I would be over 90!) And a free meal, too! Can things get any better than that???

Renae said...

Happy birthday, Carol-Ann! Praying your day is (was) glorious!


Michelle said...

Happy Birthday...a little late! Hope you had a wonderful day, including the brownie!


Michelle said...

Happy Birthday...a little late! Hope you had a wonderful day, including the brownie!
