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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Friday 31 October 2008

Wake-up Call!

Sometimes "wake-up" calls do happen in a series of events like this crazy "clock" portrays!
I had the ball fall on my chest and pull the stopper outta the keg this week when I realized my blood-pressure was high! I won't bore you with all the chain reaction series of events leading up to it. The long and the short is that it has come down on its own without meds to still being high but not in the danger zone. In investigating it, the doctor at the emergency walk-in clinic thoroughly checked my sinuses to see if that might be the reason why I have a headache that won't go away even with tylenol. I have been to my regular doc several times with my hand over my right eye saying that my face feels like it's going to fall off. She always looks thoughtful, writes in her book and suggests I quit drinking coffee! OK, so today I made no mention of my eye and my face because I didn't want another doc to tell me that! Without me saying anything, he started poking different parts of my face and then looked in my right eye with his scope. He kept going round and round the eye till I wondered how long I could take the spot light. But when he shifted to the left eye he just did a quick glance there and turned the light off. "AHA!" I knew without him saying anything that I would do whatever he told me -- even to quit drinkin' coffee! It was kinda like Daniel telling the king what his dream had been as well as giving him its interpretation when the doc found the point of concern without being told the symptom!

Regarding my eye and face, he said I have a sinus infection for which I need two weeks of antibiotics and a prescription nasal spray.

Regarding the BP he has no idea except to say, "Cut down on salt, avoid caffeine (yes sir!), and go for a brisk half hour walk each day. As you do that, we'll just have to keep an eye on it."

So I went today for a 40 minute brisk walk! Can you believe it?

Thanks everyone for taking the time to learn your way around posting exercise time and weights! I plan to post the instructions and put a link to it right below the window containing the exercise log sheet for future reference (if we suffer memory lapse) and new members.

Also, I shall eventually move the archives into the new Google document window and then it will be up to each person to decide how much you want to keep and show and what you want to delete. As it is, I have simply been archiving the last entry for each month.

'Nuff techy stuff! Get exercising BEFORE you get a wake-up call!


Renae said...

Carol-ann, I don't think I knew you were still posting over here!

I want to join! Actually, I think I did join, once upon a time. But I want to lose 20 pounds by my birthday. (Jan. 30). I can do that in 3 months, don't you think?

But I have no idea how to fill out one of your charts.

Quit the coffee! Except for the Morning Coffee. You can keep drinking that. Love you!

Jeanette said...

Woo hoo! Sign Renae up!! I looked at the calendar, and you have 10 weeks until your birthday, so you need to lose 2 pounds a week to make it to your goal. You will have to do better than we have been doing (ha! ha!), but that is supposed to be a realistic weight loss. So I think you can do it.

Carol-Ann is a whiz at blogs! She will set you up with a spot of your own on the sidebar and give you instructions on how to access and update it. Either she or I can help if you need it once that is set up, but she is the setter-upper. I'm sure she will be answering you soon!

Jeanette said...

Well, Carol-Ann, I can understand your feelings about that doctor! He is the kind that inspires total confidence! Hmm... you might want to change your regular doc...

I think it is possible that your BP is up because of the sinus infection. After that goes away, your BP might be back to its low normal. That would be a good thing. However, the walking thing just might catch on!

Thanks again for all your work on the blog. It is really taking shape with all your great ideas. I know you love working on it, but still... You are putting in gobs of time, and we really do appreciate it (knowing full well we have no idea what is involved!)

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Oh YES! Renae wants to join!
You know, I think up until now I have mainly used this blog as a check-stop because I didn't have real motivation to LOSE weight but I certainly don't want to GAIN any more! As I look at our records, I have a feeling most of us are fitting into that slot -- with the exception of Michelle who seems to be taking a whack at the LOSING aspect. But I KNOW I really should put out the effort to get down another 10 pounds!

OK, Renae ... send me your info by email! Current weight, desired weight and profile pic. Jeanette, we shall give you the honours of writing the introduction profile post!

And re the time spent, JJ, thanks for the recognition -- thankfully, tedious time spent was a lot of learning a few years ago and now it happens only when I get thoughtful about a "better way" to do something!

Maintaining our current self-serve set-up is so slick that it takes hardly any time at all. Even setting up for a new member requires only a few copy and pastes of a previous member set-up and then replacing the personal data. Such fun!

Amrita said...

Hi Gals,
Good to see your determination and resolve.I 'm stuck with my 5 pounds or so. But U 've started walking more so maybe I 'll lose it that way.

Carol Ann, I also have BP problem was on madication but i stopped it a few months ago as I was too tired od swallowing those pills specially the duretic ones.I don 't know what 's it like now.,

I don 't like guavas too much. I canonly eat the semi raw green ones. They should be hard, can 't stand the pulpy ones.
Our Allhabad guaves are famous the world over, actually their flavor is quite nice.

Carol Ann get well soon. Hope your head and eye is not giving you trouble.

Jeanette said...

Wow, C-A! You have been so busy this morning! I will write up the introduction for Renae as soon as I can, over the weekend sometime hopefully. I think this is pretty exciting, and I am going to try to get on a really serious track this coming week. This has got to stop! What am I thinking?

(Horrendous amount of work waiting) :(

Jeanette said...

Hi Amrita! It is nice to hear from you. I just love guavas, but yes, not the mushy ones. My mother used to make the best stewed guava and also guava jelly... Oh, I can just taste it now... (No, Jeanette, no! Don't think about food, especially good-tasting food from your childhood!) :D

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Oh GAG! Sorry, JJ, I just can't share the boast about Mom's stewed guava! The syrup was great!

Jeanette said...

Well, C-A, do you like stewed pears? I think they are very similar. I thought the stewed guava was great, plus guava crumble (anything sweet, of course, wouldn't you know it!!)

Renae said...


Seriously, how did you do that? I can't even get a picture on my own blog without sweating and fretting over it. And here you have my picture on yours!

Okay, I guess now I'm stuck. I'm committed. Or maybe I need to BE committed, not sure which.

Is there really only 10 weeks til Jan. 30? I thought it was more like 12.

Okay, getting started now. Gonna go exercise. Does cleaning my son's room count as exercise?

Jeanette said...

I'm working, but I just have to stop. I'm so glad you are joining us, Renae.

It's funny, because I no longer see your picture when you comment??? But if you go to your picture on the sidebar and put your mouse over it and right click, you will see some options that might give a clue to what she did, although I don't know her whole process of setting up the sidebar.

For some reason, I read your birthday as Jan 20, so you do have an extra week and a half to work with.

Jeanette said...

8 of us now!!! Wow! This is really great!

Michelle said...

Carol Ann - I am thinking the blood pressure problem is a result of thinking about the exercising too much. :P

I am hoping to do the 2Lb/wk thing too...but need to keep going past losing 20! Yikes! Welcome Renae!