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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Thursday 31 July 2008

It is so hot here!

I am taking a break from weeding in the garden... This is our 19th day above 90 degrees, and no rain where we live at all. The runoff from the mountains is really good this year, though, or we would be in trouble. I know some of you would not think it is hot right now because it is so dry!

How are you all doing on your self control this week?? I feel like I have been partly successful and partly not. Probably a little less eating and a little more exercise, which is moving in the right direction. The only thing is, I have been trying to chew more gum as I deal with work stress (I can do that since no one can see me sitting at my computer here at home!), but since it is almost impossible anymore to find gum that does not have Nutrasweet in it, I am going to try to cut that out until I can find something more healthy. I'm going to go visit the health food store and see what they have.

The doctors I transcribe for are having a light week with vacation and stuff, so I have been working in the garden (that's the "more exercise" part!) Last evening I picked and froze some beans, and today I have been weeding the eggplant and peppers. We have the worst bindweed that wraps itself around the plants and up the stem and then on to whatever it can hang onto, so that is time consuming because you have to unwrap these annoying stranglers. If you just pull on them, they will bring the whole vegetable plant with them or rip off its leaves while hanging on for dear life.

I'm really glad for the very healthy environment around our house. The earth is dark and rich in the garden because of all the composting and so forth that Barry has done. Worms are everywhere. Daddy-long-legs, beetles, ants, bees, flies, and who knows what all scurry out of my way. What a blessing to have so many bugs! (Not that I am personally in love with them or anything...)

Do I have to go back out there? It is so nice and cool in here... but duty calls!


Amrita said...

Hi Jeanete,

Its verty hot here too and extremely humid...so stickly. Nothing works.Just have to bear it.

Your beans look so good.We call them french beans.

Working in the garden in the heat, my goodness how do you manage it.

Jeanette said...

Hi Amrita! I think I got the idea to take pictures of flowers and vegetables from you! You do such a beautiful job of it on your blog!

I think your heat feels much worse than ours because of your humidity. It is so dry here, and it makes the moisture on the skin evaporate very quickly which has a cooling effect. However, we must make sure to drink a lot of water.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette:
I wish we could somehow send you some of the rainfall we've had here. July set a record that hasn't been seen in a couple of decades.

My secret for this week's consumption control was work. One of our staff in Calgary went on stress leave on June 30, leaving three projects in default of the compliance deadline. I ended up helping to get them into print production. I worked to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, got home at 9:30. I ate some crackers and cheese at the office and was too tired to eat when I got home.

I worked to 10:30 p.m. Thursday night, got home at 11:30 - same thing - I ate a few crackers an cheese and was beyond thinking about anything other than bed at that point.

This is definitely not sustainable, nor would I want it to be!!


Jeanette said...

Ouch, Pat! What a week you have had! I hope you are all done with those extra projects now, or you will be the next one going on stress leave!

Here's wishing for great numbers for you (and all of us) at our weigh-in!