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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Sunday 20 July 2008

Anniversary Week!!

Barry and I have spent the week celebrating, and you know what that means! On Monday night, Paula had a delicious spread for us at her usual Monday night open house with Chinese food and several pies. On Tuesday, which was our actual anniversary, we went out together to have a lovely meal. That would have been way more than enough, but for some reason I kept telling myself that the whole week was for celebrating, so there you are...I'm scared to get on the scale! And what's more, I might just plead "anniversary bloat" and skip the weigh-in tomorrow. I'm giving that some serious thought!

Pat has had some really good suggestions, though, and I have been trying to follow her good example, and that is to be more active. The fact is, I enjoy being at my computer, so even when I am not working, I might be blogging or emailing or researching...all great things, but not necessarily in the best interests of my health. So...

  • I have added in some hiking with Trent. We have been hiking in the mountains twice and once closer to home. This is good for both of us, and it is really nice just to spend time together.
  • I have done significant weeding outside (Andrea, my flowers still don't look as good as yours!) which made me stiff and sore, but I was really pleased to realize that my low back did not bother me with this activity as it has before. I'm sure this is due to my weight loss thus far.
  • Barry usually does all the laundry, but since he has so much work in the garden in the summer, I have taken it back over (at least for awhile) and have been running up and down the stairs. (Surely that counts for something??)
I might just give in and weigh tomorrow just to make the rest of you feel really good! Do we get an award for gaining the most?

Me eating -- 30 years ago!


Andrea said...

HAHA!!! This was a great post!

First of all, congratulations again on your anniversary. It sounds like you two had A LOT of fun!

I'm right there with you in not wanting ot weigh in tomrorow though. I need to clean house and just get rid of all my junk food! It keeps calling me and looking at me... I need a healthy dose of self control. I have found that writing down what I have eaten is very helpful though. My biggest problem right now is that I am eating out way more than usual because I am out of the house for lunch and too tired to make something for dinner when I get back home. I need to find the energy to lose weight I suppose.

However, I will not let my fears keep me from the scale tomrorow! I am ready to see my progress (even if it is negative) so that I know where I'm at and where I need to go.

Jeanette said...

Well, Andrea, I need to take a lesson from you and weigh in tomorrow! I knew it, but I was still running from the truth! We are very similar, I'm afraid. I don't know how you could have gotten that gene from me, but if you did, I apologize! My junk food calls me and looks at me too! I understand what you are saying about eating out at lunch and being too tired to make something for dinner...

Allrighty, then, weigh-in tomorrow is on the agenda. (oh, dear)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I think Andrea is on to something. I need to clean house, too, and get rid of the high-calorie junk food in my house so I won't hear it calling my name. I'm thinking that I should make a point to keep only lower-calorie snack food so that when I indulge, the damage isn't so bad. Then, from there, my goal would be to keep no junk food at all. One step at a time...


Jeanette said...

Well, my day has taken a turn for the worse...first I got on the scale, and that did it!

Then, since my work had told me that this would be a light week, I was going to run around this morning...post office, drop off stuff at the Goodwill, get a tetanus shot, do some weeding. But everything changed when I got an update on the work situation -- all the doctors back from vacation, and two full-time transcriptionists out! So I am now stuck at my computer.

So... I am being strict on my food intake. Still have an appointment for my tetanus shot and will try to run by the post office after that on the way home to exercise my fingers some more!

Cleaning out the junk food is a must, I agree. Good luck this week, ladies! I must say my weigh-in has given me new incentive.

Andrea said...

Today I packed my lunch and made dinner. This will be much lighter on my tummy and wallet! The process begins yet again!

Jeanette said...

Good for you, Andrea!

Anonymous said...

Good going, Andrea! Being lighter on my wallet has been a big motivator for me when it comes to lunch Monday to Friday. I bring a lunch from home almost every day.


Andrea said...

Hey, you guys should check out my myspace page becuase I just posted a slideshow of my kitty. The url is www.myspace.com/goldhears. Enjoy!

Jeanette said...

I just checked out your myspace page, and that is such a cute slideshow! Mind you, it took me awhile to get the hang of it, especially since I had to create a login for myself and all that. Tux did the very same thing with a leash. He wasn't afraid, but he kept crouching down on the ground because he thought something bad had ahold of him! He also figured out how to make himself skinny and back out of his leash, so that did not work at all.

That is one cute kitten, Andrea! It looks like you and he are definitely bonding!

Andrea said...

Thanks Aunt J.! I didn't realize you would have to log in to see my page. Sorry about that.

About him being scared, I don't think it was the harness because I put that on him about ten minutes prior to attaching the leash and taking him outside,and he was playing inside like normal with it on. But when we went outside he kept trying to run into the bushes and leap back home. It was so funny!

Unfortunately, I am trying to get him another home becuase my roommates to be do not like kitties and that was part of the agreement. :(

Jeanette said...

Oh, pooh! Well, hope you can find a good one for him. At least you know now whether you would ever want one yourself later some day!

Najee has decided that I am her person, and I have to tell her to stop stalking me! Everywhere I go, there she is! Her fur is so awfully long, and Trent says I should shave her. Actually, I think that might be a great idea to use an attachment that leaves an inch or so on her. Unfortunately, I would probably have to sedate her in order to use anything that buzzes! I'm still thinking about it, though, because I think she would like it once she got used to it.