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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Wednesday 5 March 2008

What a week!

I love to dream of my job as a comfy, cozy, jammies-and-coffee kind of thing! How I wish! The truth is that my job is comfy and cozy every now and then, but this past week has been far from it!

My local doctor client has been dictating onto those little minicassettes, and I have been driving back and forth to pick them up and drop off the finished work. Up popped my little dream of lounging at home, so I asked him if he would be interested in changing over to digital recordings that could be sent to me over the internet, with my finished work returned to him the same way. He was! I saw visions of no more driving in the snow and me having lots of extra time! I researched, updated him, researched some more. After much discussion and frugal searching to find the best for the least, we decided on the recorder for him and the accompanying software that lets him load his sound files from his recorder onto his computer, encrypt them so they will be HIPAA compliant, and send them over the internet to me. I got the software and foot pedal that will unencrypt those sound files, play them for me to transcribe, encrypt them back up again, and send them back to him so he can unencrypt them and print them out. See how quick and easy that sounds?

I've been back and forth to his office several times to set up his software properly so that it will do everything automatically for him. The instruction manual should have been twice as long to have all the info I needed! I even had to take Trent with me one day because things weren't working, only to find out we had been using the wrong password! I really don't think I am smart enough to be my doc's tech support! I have to say that he has been carefully keeping up on all he has to know for doctoring and has been pretty much leaving computer skills to others. He and I have been over enough bumps in this road to make our teeth rattle, I'll just tell you!

Yesterday was a mess. He used the wrong program to open the encrypted work I sent back and therefore saw only gobbledy-gook. (Bad because it didn't work; good because it was encrypted like it should have been!) I sent it again, but it was blank. (Totally bad!) I sent it again. (This time I attached the wrong file, and it did him absolutely no good!) The fourth time was a charm: I sent it right, he got it right, it printed right, and we were elated! I was just finishing the second bunch of work when...blip, blip, blip...one after the other, 16 new files came to my computer from his computer!! Oh, that made me feel good!

We had a rough start today when he forgot how to open the work I sent him and deleted it! I sent it again, and the fact that my phone did not ring again is very positive! Since then it has been smooth sailing. All the work is done and sent back now, and I am blogging. (Blogging is the REAL jammies-and-coffee-cup thing!)

And as for the eating...I think I have been more successful so far this week at working out computer problems than I have been with my food control.

Andrea is coming home tomorrow for spring break, and we are going to encourage each other in person! Plus she is bringing an exercise video for us to try. Things are looking up!


Carol-Ann Allen said...

Well, I am truly sorry for you with all your techy trouble! But it sounds as if things are getting sorted out! As I read I kept expecting to hear that the doc deleted something that you no longer had to resend to him and that you had to do hours and hours of work all over again! Hopefully files won't just start coming in so fast now that you will have just as much work to do as if you were travelling across town!

Talkng about winter driving, we are supposed to have 30 cm or so of snow Friday night! That's like blizzard weather for us!

Did Mama tell you she had a fall last night? If she didn't, maybe you could call her tomorrow and let her give you the details! She's OK -- the barrette in her hairdon't took the blow when she hit the TV stand! She's pretty sure her head would have had a nasty whack if it hadn't been for that little metal-lined piece of plastic! Of course she didn't tell me about it until nearly 24 hours later when there was no need to get frantic! Kinza says she can see me doing that to her so what can I say! I shall go to see her on my way home from work tomorrow. Ruth evidently had an opportunity to practise 1st aid. I do worry about those two but what can ya do!

Jeanette said...

I have backups of what I do, so even if he deletes it (which he has done), I can send it again and again if necessary! That is a scary thought, that I would have to do the work over. Yikes!

I found out today that the transcription company I work for over the internet lost the account I have been typing for. The docs, as of Monday, decided to hire someone in-house to do their transcription in an attempt to cut costs. I don't know yet if this will work out well for them or not, as there are quite a few reasons why it might not be better, but the company has offered me a couple of other doctors to listen to and let them know if I would like to type for these docs. Otherwise, they have a new account coming on with an ESL (English as Second Language) doctor that I can also consider typing for if I want to. I will have to be deciding that in the next day or so, and it is always a learning curve starting someone new--new templates, new way of doing it, new favorite words and phrases, new mumbled words to figure out...

Hmm...I will call Mother tomorrow and see what's up. She would be laughing about the "hairdon't"!! I'm glad she is okay.

Enjoy your snow! You have a lovely view out your dining room window if the snow covers everything. Can you stay home on Saturday?

Jeanette said...

I did try to call Mother today, but for some reason the long distance service was not working when I tried, so I planned to call later, and then the day got away from me. I will try again tomorrow.

I'm waiting to hear about the snow. Maybe a picture or two??

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Hey, Good Morning!
Well, the snow is coming down but I don't think it is going to be as bad as they predicted -- we shall see!

I saw Mama yesterday after work and she seemed to be fine -- sittin' in her chair like a queen and laughing about how foolish the whole thing was. It's as if she pulled the pillow towards her and just kept going backwards herself. She fell with a whump on her back! I don't know! Makes me jumpy to think about it so I shan't! Methinks I shall just get on with my day -- laundry, vacuuming, fix the silly toilet with a piece of dental floss, finishin putting that exercise equipment together ... let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

By the way, I have reminded Kinza that when she leaves home, eventually, there are two items she must make sure she takes with her -- duct tape and dental floss. With enough of those two items, I declare you could repair a house after an earthquake!

Jeanette said...

I hope your day has gone well with the snow!

Duct tape and dental floss! I was at a wedding this afternoon, and now I realize my gift should have been a bag of those two items!! What a mistake I made in giving them a lovely Demdaco figurine! Ha ha!

How on earth do you fix the toilet with dental floss, girl? Please, give me a lesson in ingenuity. You must have got that gene straight from your father!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

When the little chain attached to the rubber stopper insists on rusting out, you replace it with strong string that has a waxed coating! Actually, no need to replace the whole chain -- just the rusty loop that broke the chain. For the last week we've been removing the lid of the toilet to reach in to the cold water to pull out the plug to flush the silly thing! I've had enough of that! And I begrudge forking out a plumber wage for something that can be done with dental floss!

Jeanette said...

Allrighty, then! This now makes sense to me! Very ingenious solution!

I think you can buy the whole little fixture or chain or whatever at the hardware store, but why do that if you can use a little dental floss!