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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Saturday 21 June 2008


Carol-Ann, Jeanette, and Pat at the coffee shop!

I just got back from a wonderful visit to Canada to see my mother and Carol-Ann and her family, as well as Pat who also lives in that area. What a great time we all had! I loved every minute of it.

Before I left home to fly to Toronto, Carol-Ann, Pat, and I were joking by email that we were all having so much stress (mostly work-related) that we should call ourselves the stress triplets!

Last Sunday evening the three of us got together at Artisano's, a wonderful coffee shop and eatery near Carol-Ann's, and spent a great 4 hours gabbing and at times laughing so hard that we could not see for the tears! I fear we drew a great deal of attention from other patrons, but they were very kind to us! When we started taking pictures of each other, one nice lady came over and offered to take a picture of all of us together, so here it is. I'm pretty sure that this past week has gone better for each of us because of the great fun we had on Sunday evening and the friendship and support we gave each other! The stress triplets are old enough to know that stress shared is stress divided, and the support of understanding friends is priceless!

Carol-Ann and I have certainly wimped out on weighing in this week, haven't we! I haven't even been brave enough to get on the scale to see what I weigh, let alone post it here! We really did not do too badly when I was visiting her, but since I came home I have been eating everything in sight as I try to catch up on my work.

Sometimes all my best plans are useless. I had hoped to keep up with my client's dictation while I was gone (an internal medicine doctor), and so I had my laptop with me to do just that. All was ready, and then his recorder malfunctioned! He could not send me his dictation until the night before I came home! For just a minute, I wavered in deciding whether this was yet another irritation to ruin my day, or if it was a blessing from God which allowed me to forget all my work and have fun! I decided to count it a blessing and it really was!

But...there is definitely a downside to coming back to overwhelming non-stop hours sitting at my computer trying to catch up, typing until the bones practically start poking through the ends of my fingers. I am almost caught up now, though. All I have left to do are the records for Friday's patients which he sent me last evening so...(deep breath)...I am feeling pretty good about it.

Now if I can just get my weight loss back on track...


Carol-Ann Allen said...

What a fun read! My favourite line is "The stress triplets are old enough to know that stress shared is stress divided, and the support of understanding friends is priceless!"

I believe I shall republish this on the Tin Roof in a couple of days!

Monday -- do we? shall we? must we -- weigh in?!!!

Jeanette said...

Oh, dearie-me...I don't feel brave at all yet, C-A...how do you feel about it? Honesty at all costs? Hiding for another week???

Amrita said...

Hi Jeanette, you Stress Sisters as I am calling you look great.

Andrea said...

Yeah, that is a great picture! Looking good ladies! I'm glad you all had such a good time together, regardless of weight uncertainty.

Anonymous said...

We really had a good visit at Artisano's, didn't we? It has a nice atmosphere where you don't feel you have to gulp your coffee and rush to vacate the table - we could just let the conversation take us wherever we wanted to go!


Jeanette said...

You're right, Pat! It was a very comfortable atmosphere and just perfect for us.

Thanks Amrita and Andrea! I'm glad you like our picture. Weight uncertainty is exactly right, Andrea! We have all hit a "blimp" in the road, I'm afraid! We are going to have to come up with a plan. Any ideas?

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Well, we could all meet at Artisano's for a gooey breakfast pizza followed by lemon-cranberry clouds and butter-caramel cappuccinos while we talk it over and pool our ideas! Sounds like "a plan" to me!

Jeanette said...

It DOES sound like a plan, Carol-Ann! A plan for WHAT is the question!!