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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Thursday 26 June 2008

The Artisano Experience!

Now you just have to understand what happened when the Stress Triplets got together at Artisano's!

Of course, I'm not about to tell ALL!
But you do need to know that I was standing at the coffee bar fixing my 2nd refill of "bottomless cup" when a worried waitress walked by. She was carrying a frothy-topped cappuccino and calling out, "Cappuccino? Cappuccino?" As I stirred my tasty but regular, she visited each room and table looking for the customer who had decided to take a load off their feet while their cap was being puccino-ed.

When she passed by me I smiled and said, "I'll take it -- if it's been paid for!" I thought my humor was quite fitting but I detected ever such a tiny upward tilt of her chin and a slight narrowing of her eyes as she continued on her way! I was embarrassed! I had risked bringing a laugh into her doldrums shift and she had coldly walked away without a twitch of a smile! So I turned back to my little job of measuring out a squeeze of honey and a slurp of cream, hurt! Real sad!

But as I lifted my cup and turned back towards our table, she closed in the pattern of her final figure eight around the rooms and approached me with my free cappuccino! "You may as well have it," she said! "By the time they come to get it, it will be cold and I'll have to redo it anyway!"

Pat had just picked up a second cappaccino and I had just fixed my refill, so Jeanette was the recipient of the freebie! Hey! Ya gotta watch out for us when we get together -- a joint sum of more than 150 years of living experience! I'd say it was time we cashed in on a cuppa something!


Jeanette said...

You know me! Thrift store shopper, coupon clipper, bargain hunter! That cup tasted so much sweeter being free!

Andrea said...

That's a good story! Haha!

I have created a website for one of my classes, and it is a work in progress, but I thought you guys might like ot check it out. The address is andrea.j.hodgson.googlepages.com

Jeanette said...

Hi Andrea! I just checked out your website. That is a great idea! It will be fun to see what you are doing.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

This is great! Woo Hoo! Andrea has a site! Seriously, you guys all, finally, seem more a part of my life since blogging! It's a great way for keeping in touch and knowing how everybody is!

Andrea said...

It looks like we're all up just a smigen... Except Pat that is. Good for you, Pat!

I really need to buckle down and start exercising. Although I do enjoy my new job and it's benefits, I find that it is easy to over eat on a free chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream on top with hardened chocolate syrup!!! YIKES!!!

Well, perhaps my adreniline will help me out becuase I'm pretty sure tonight will be an all nighter, as I have continually procrastiated on some major homework!!

Well, don't get discouraged; I'm sure we still have the element of surprise behind us! (Not to mention real committment (that's my problem) haha!)

Jeanette said...

Taking a break writing on the blog! You're my kind of gal, Andrea!

Oh, Nathaniel has such an awful sunburn. I patted his back yesterday at your Mom's birthday party and that did not make him feel too good!

I need more commitment, too. I know what it takes for me...writing down every morsel that passes my lips and keeping a tight rein on it. I have just been letting things slide so much, and that is a bad thing. We need a drill sergeant!

Good luck on your homework all night, Andrea! I remember when Aunt Carol-Ann and I did that. We made ourselves cups of instant coffee and toast with peanut butter and jelly and stayed up all night writing our papers. And we never gained an ounce. What happened to us??!!

Jeanette said...

PS: What is your new job? That info must have passed me by somewhere along the line...

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Good grief!
Don't you girls know when to go to bed?

Jeanette said...

No, we don't!!

And what about you, dear C-A??? It is 2 hours earlier at my house and 3 hours earlier at Andrea's house than your clocks are reading right now!!