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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Tuesday 2 June 2009

News from Andrea!

Gord (my Dad), Paula, me, Stephanie, Nathaniel (my brother)

A lot can happen in a month! As most of you know, I graduated from the University of Southern California on May 15, 2009 and received my Masters of Arts in Teaching. My family came out to support me and celebrate with me!

Anthony, Paula, Stephanie, me

We had a wonderful time together. This is a picture of all of us (excluding the photographer, my father); which is fine because I just realized that the rest of us are on here! Anyhow, we are at the Griffith Observatory. When we arrived we were surprised by how popular the place was and soon discovered that the parking lot was closed; we had to park a ways down the road. As luck would have it, the entire walk to the observatory was uphill! Just as we passed the entrance to the parking lot, it was deemed empty enough to open up; yes, this was our lucky day alright! Ha! However, we were able to console ourselves with the fact that we had gotten some good exercise!

This blog has seen some great positive change in the last month as well!

First, Aunt Carol-Ann gave the blog a bit of a face lift, and now we are current and up to date!

Second, Stephanie has decided to join us, and she is off to a fantastic start! I’m pretty sure everyone who reads this is familiar with all the participants, but I’ll give a little introduction anyway. Stephanie is my older sister, and she decided to join the blog when she came out to visit me in CA for my graduation. We got to work right away exercising and eating healthy (well, most of the time, anyhow).

With all the excitement, I figured it was time to do a proper wrap-up for the month of May...

In the past 31 days we have put in a total of
22 hours and 40 minutes of exercise
lost a total of 9.0 pounds

We are well on our way to being winners by losing! Keep up the good work, team!


Jeanette said...

Love the pictures you posted, Andrea! And thanks for doing this report. You are doing a great job. You, too, Stephanie!

Andrea said...

Thanks! We had a really good time together too! Wish you had been there :)

Andrea said...

I watched a special about two half ton teens. It was really sad, and really motivated me to get out there and put in my exercise time!!! aaaahhh!

Jeanette said...

That does sound like a very sad story about the teens. Motivating, too. I can't imagine the struggles they must have.

Trent was saying tonight that we should not worry about losing weight. We should think instead about gaining muscle. I am sure he is right about that. I need to come up with some way to get myself out of my computer chair, but I am really at a loss. I am really struggling to get my work done as it is... I feel like I have bitten off way more than I can chew, but doing all this stuff does not help with weight loss. I maintain just great around this weight, so the activity level has to be the key. So I have the key, but I can't quite figure out how to unlock the lock!

Andrea said...

I can definitely feel the struggle to shed off the last few pounds! It is not as easy as it seems!

Studies have shown that people who make goals are more successful than those who don't! So I think it is high time for me to set a new goal since I have met my last one and am now struggling to move forward. My new goal is to keep putting in at least 2 hours of exercise a week and get down to 150 lbs by July 6. My new weight goal is 145, and I hope to be there by August 3.

Honestly, I think that the hardest part is keeping the weight off for good! I think that I will probably struggle with my weight for the rest of my life, but I want to make sure that I am doing my best to make good decisions that will keep me healthy and active for a long long time.