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Two sisters (neither of us dreadfully obese, but both wanting to look better and feel better) have decided to post our private confessions. Feel free to comment and encourage us on or even to request sidebar space of your own to track your weekly or monthly progress with us!

Thursday 16 April 2009

An update from Andrea!

It’s that time again…
Spring is approaching and the warm weather outside reminds me that I should be out THERE exercising instead of in HERE watching TV!!! I’ve gotta get out there and start enjoying the fresh air. I know that if I make it a priority I can fit it into my schedule, but when I start putting it off I never get around to it! Time to get in motion!

I also have a quick update on how everything is at school. I can’t believe that it is almost May! The colors on the exercise log for May are gold and maroon; I chose these colors because they are my university’s colors, and I will be walking across that stage on May 15th to get my diploma! Whew! And then I can relax!… oh wait… I still have to write my thesis over the summer… and finish all my assignments from this semester… and pray that I passed my project (the Performance Assessment of California Teachers). But receiving my diploma will be a milestone for me, and I can’t wait!

My student teaching is going pretty well. Today was the first day I have seen my class since Spring Break, but it went really well! In fact, I got my first ‘excellent’ review from the math coach who comes and observes me once a week. That felt really good and I am feeling ready to be in my own classroom. I really think that I will love my job (once it is official) because it inspires me!

Now the job search begins! Argh!!! Putting together a job resume is the first step, and I really need to get on it! So that will be occupying my time for the next week, and then I need to decide where I want to teach and go to job interviews. I will be sure to keep you all posted on my quest for employment!

And remember… it is a beautiful day outside and exercise relieves stress! Make it happen!


Andrea said...

Have I got a story to tell!!!

Today was my first initiative to meet my 2 hours a week of exercise goal. As you know, I live near the ocean so I started down the sidewalk while enjoying the view. There is also a line of palm trees along the path. One of my biggest fears is that a palm nut will fall and hit me in the head! Well today I had to come face to face with this fear... except it was worse that I could have imagined!

I'm walking under the palm tree, and out of no where I hear this slap as something hits the ground. I think, "oh it is probably one of the dried up palm coverings being blown off the tree. No need to panic." Then I see it moving out of the corner of my eye! I look, and it isn't a piece of the palm tree at all; it is a squirrel!!! It starts moving and I start running... and screaming! From a safe distance I look back and I see that poor squirrel just lying on the ground. It wasn't moving any more... and I don't want to say what I think happened either!

If nothing else, I got my exercise schedule started off with a bang!


Jeanette said...

I wish I had been behind you to see the whole thing, Andrea! What with your panic running and your adrenaline pumping, I bet you burned up everything you ate for the past week!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

oh dear!
Poor squirrel!
I'm so naive -- what do you think happened?

Andrea said...

Well this palm tree is at least 20 ft tall... so I'm sure a fall like that would lead to a slow and painful death. Poor thing... it was probably paralyzed from the neck down before it died... :(

Andrea said...

I made my goal! Yay! And I jogged half of the distance I traveled tonight... that is unheard of for me!

I think we've all done quite well with exercise this week. Keep it up!

Update on my job search: my master teacher has asked me to apply at the school I am student teaching at :) Good news for sure, but I will keep looking too.

Jeanette said...

Good for you, Andrea! I will be watching for your weight tomorrow. I am afraid to get on the scale, it seems...

Jeanette said...

I just noticed the exercise stats. I wish I had something to post, but not this time. I see that Anthony is back in the game!

Andrea said...

Thanks for the encouragement! I am proud to say that I feel sore today!

He is trying... and doing a pretty good job at it too! 5 pounds in one week... I have no idea what that would be like!

You are doing good, Aunt Jeanette, but you gotta push through those last few pounds keeping you from entering the 170's. You can do it! Will-power!

Andrea said...

Wait a minute!!! Aunt Jeanette, you have not weighed in in TWO weeks! Come on, you gotta do it!